Case study
David Austin Roses
Following over 60 years of cultivating and selling award-winning roses, David Austin Roses needed to futureproof its online business. Using the existing Shopify store as a foundation, we focused on how to grow the brand online, for the US, UK, and EU markets.
Visit davidaustinroses.co.uk

The solutions

Through working with David Austin Roses on an ongoing basis, we are able to make continuous improvements to the codebase and digital strategy. This is where the nuts and bolts of ecommerce are tended to, with the ultimate goal of driving engagement, conversion rates and sales.
Improved mobile experience
Audits showed that there was a lot of room for improvement on mobile before working together. Through focused efficiencies, mobile usage went up by 80%.
Enhanced SEO
As a result of regular audits, analytics and data reviews, our recommendations to enhance SEO have helped drive significant additional traffic to the site.
Nominated Day Delivery
Extending Shopify's secure and well-loved checkout ecosystem is no small feat, but in collaboration with Shopify's Plus team, Thought and Mortar were able to offer some essential bespoke functionality for the David Austin Roses customers.
The stats
14% increase in total orders
56% increase in returning customers
80% increase in mobile sessions